When investors join The Collective Genius, they’re looking to scale. Scale can mean a lot of different things to different people. Most often that means leadership – how do they replace themselves potentially in their day-to-day business. 

I feel that I’m qualified to help fix those problems because I faced a lot of those same issues myself. In the 16 years that I’ve been in business, I started as a one-man show. I hired two people. I replaced those two people. I did that five or six times until I found the right fit for those positions in my company. When I made the decision that we wanted to scale, I recognized that I needed to level up as a leader so I could raise the ceiling for the entire organization.

When I spend three days here with our 200+ members, I really focus on pouring into those people, getting to understand what their strengths are, what their weaknesses are, how I can help them level up and get them connected with the right people.

So if you’re struggling with building a sales team, developing a culture of accountability, or becoming a better leader, you can contact us. We’ll set up a call, we’ll spend a few minutes sitting down and talking through those specific challenges. If we think that we’re a great fit to be able to help you with that, we’ll invite you to come to the group. If not, no big deal. We’re definitely looking for a relationship where we can add tremendous value to you as a real estate investor. And you would also be a valuable asset to the crew. We want a win-win relationship.

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